Apart from owning one of the very first PCs - an Amstrad back in the early 80s, I’ve always been an Apple fan. In 1989, my job was to set up an in-house ‘desktop publishing’ department at Wickes. It was my first introduction to an Apple Mac. It was called the...
How can touch typing help your child? Here are our top 8 tips.
Touch typing has many benefits, including; Speed - As children get older, there tends to be more homework. My son is in year 7 and seems to have homework every night. Being able to touch type is so useful as work can be completed more quickly without having to...
October Half Term Course
It’s that time again! Not long now until our October half term touch typing course! It’s going to be a full on week for me because I’m running a live face to face session at my centre in Harrow, followed straight after by a class live on Zoom! What will be fantastic...
How have keyboarding lessons changed?
How have keyboarding lessons changed? As a lady in my late 40's, when I started secondary school, the library computers were a novelty. They were constantly in use and I was fascinated. I became a school librarian and in turn, the head librarian let me use the...
All children should learn to touch type!
YES! I was very excited to read this today! Let’s get all children touch typing! With all children in Scotland being given an iPad device, MSP Fergus Ewing told the Scottish Parliament’s education committee that for them to make the most of the benefit, they needed to...
Why should you challenge yourself?
Why should you challenge yourself? What are the benefits of challenging yourself? You might work all hours. You might be exhausted from parenting or juggling parenting with a job. You might have hit the joys of menopause and the resulting fatigue. You might...
Touch Typing is an Amazing Skill!
Touch typing, on a computer keyboard, really is a pretty amazing thing and in my opinion (of course I’m biased), is underrated. Touch typing is a skill involving “cognitive automaticity”, using the same part of the brain as walking, eating or riding a bike. It uses...
Are you a fan of handwriting?
Handwriting - are you surprised to learn that one in ten Britons haven't written anything by hand this last year? According to a survey of 2000 people by family history site Ancestry, most prefer to email, text or send social media messages instead of penning...
How can children get organised at secondary school?
How can children get organised at secondary school? My son has just started secondary and there is so much to remember, especially as the timetable changes every other week. There are pe days, club days and cooking days. There are school books and reading books...
10 ways touch typing can help
10 ways touch typing can help Are you thinking about you or your child learning to touch type, wondering whether it might be a good investment? Here are some top ways that touch typing can help and it's like riding a bike - once learned, never forgotten! Speed - You...