The Keyboard’s Magic: 13 Compelling Benefits of Learning to Touch Type

In today’s digital age, where typing is an essential skill, mastering touch typing can be a game-changer. Touch typing refers to the method of typing without looking at the keyboard, relying solely on muscle memory. While it may seem daunting at first, the benefits it brings far outweigh the initial challenges.

Here are 13 compelling reasons why learning to touch type is worth the effort.

1. Legibility

Touch typing promotes clearer and more readable text.

With your eyes fixed on the screen instead of the keyboard, you’re less likely to make typing errors, resulting in documents that are easier to understand.

Research by Gernsbacher and Faust (1991) suggests that typists who rely on visual feedback from the keyboard tend to make more errors, resulting in less legible text.

Conversely, touch typists, who maintain visual focus on the screen, produce documents with fewer errors and greater legibility.

2. Comfort

Adopting proper typing posture and hand positioning reduces strain on your wrists, hands, and fingers, leading to greater comfort during extended typing sessions.

Additionally ergonomic keyboards and adjustable chairs can significantly enhance comfort and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) associated with prolonged typing.

3. Improved Accuracy

As you develop muscle memory for key placement, your typing accuracy naturally improves.

This means fewer typos and less time spent on proofreading and corrections, resulting in more polished final documents.

Studies have shown that touch typists make fewer errors compared to those who glance at the keyboard while typing (Soukoreff & MacKenzie, 2003).

4. Improved Focus/Concentration

Touch typing minimises distractions by allowing you to focus solely on the content you’re typing, rather than shifting your attention back and forth between the keyboard and screen.

This is particularly beneficial in environments where concentration is crucial, such as writing reports, coding, or engaging in online discussions. Touch typing allows you to immerse yourself more fully in your writing tasks, leading to greater productivity and quality of work.

5. Efficiency

With practice, touch typing enables you to type effortlessly and fluidly, resulting in faster and more efficient workflow. Tasks that once seemed time-consuming become more manageable and less daunting.

6. Increased Productivity       

By typing faster and with greater accuracy, you can accomplish more in less time.

Whether you’re drafting emails, reports, or creative projects, touch typing boosts your overall productivity.

Research by Li and Whalley (2002) suggests that touch typing can increase typing speed by up to 50%, resulting in substantial gains in productivity. This allows individuals to complete tasks more quickly and allocate their time more effectively, leading to overall improved performance.

7. Faster Writing Speed

Touch typing significantly increases your words-per-minute (WPM) rate. This means you can express your thoughts and ideas more quickly, allowing for smoother writing and communication. This is especially advantageous in time-sensitive situations, such as meeting deadlines for assignments, articles, or business proposals.

8. Aids Creativity

When typing becomes second nature, your mind is free to focus on generating and refining ideas rather than the mechanics of typing. This enhances creativity and enables a more seamless flow of thought. You can focus on refining your writing style, structure, and clarity, leading to improved overall writing skills.

9. Improved Spelling

Consistent practice with touch typing reinforces correct spelling as you become more familiar with the arrangement of letters on the keyboard. Over time, this can lead to better spelling skills both online and offline. For example, children who learn touch typing at a young age often exhibit better spelling skills compared to those who do not (Graham, 2002).

10. Helps Improve Muscle Memory

Touch typing relies on muscle memory, which strengthens with practice. By repeatedly typing without looking at the keys, you reinforce the connections between your brain and fingers, making typing more intuitive and automatic.

11. Overcome Fine Motor Difficulties

For individuals with fine motor difficulties or conditions like dysgraphia, touch typing can be a transformative skill. It provides an alternative method of communication that bypasses handwriting challenges, fostering greater independence and confidence.

12. Faster Thought Processing

When typing becomes effortless, your fingers can keep pace with your thoughts more effectively. This facilitates faster processing and expression of ideas, allowing you to capture and articulate thoughts in real-time.

13. Less Fatigue

With proper technique and ergonomic awareness, touch typing reduces physical strain and fatigue associated with handwriting or typing. This enables you to sustain longer typing sessions without experiencing discomfort or exhaustion.

Learning to touch type offers a myriad of benefits that extend beyond mere typing proficiency.

From improved accuracy and productivity to enhanced creativity and focus, touch typing equips you with a valuable skillset that can positively impact various aspects of your personal and professional life.

So why wait? Embrace the keyboard’s magic and embark on the journey to touch typing mastery today.

Your fingers—and your future self—will thank you.

Check out our range of touch typing courses to see which would suit your needs and enable you to learn how to type faster and enroll online. Alternatively, give us a call on 020 3962 2059  to have a friendly chat about how we can help you!

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