How to touch type the right way
How to touch type the right way

Our remote course is designed so that students can learn from home with our expert guidance. We upload videos and audio instructions throughout the course as well as providing "how to get better" personalised written feedback each week. Sounds pretty straightforward?...

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Stop Hunting and Pecking!
Stop Hunting and Pecking!

Learn how to touch type properly Hunting and pecking for the correct letter or number on the keyboard is a totally inefficient way to type. Yet in the UK most children bumble along with two or four fingers because they’ve never been taught how to do it properly. If...

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DofE Skill Ideas
DofE Skill Ideas

A lovely way to start the week with this review from one of our parents. If the pupils at your school are looking to learn a skill for their DofE, look no further! Come and learn touch typing with us!...

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Exam season, inside the exam hall
Exam season, inside the exam hall

As an exam invigilator for 8 years, I have seen the work that goes on behind the scenes at my local secondary school.    Apart from all the preparation, there are so many things to consider. When the exam rooms are set up, there is a lot to think of apart from...

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What can you expect from me as your touch typing tutor?
What can you expect from me as your touch typing tutor?

As a Mum, I completely understand the pain you might be going through trying to get help for your child. I know because I’ve been there myself. I’m a Mum, not a teacher, so my approach is always heart centred. Someone described me as “Wendy is kind and caring but no...

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A new challenge by Type IT!
A new challenge by Type IT!

Hopefully you will all be revitalised after the Easter Bank Holiday and now might be the time to take on a new challenge and to learn a new skill? We all have different ways of learning that work for us, but here are a few tips on how to learn the best possible way,...

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Looking for ideas for a DofE Skill?
Looking for ideas for a DofE Skill?

How about learning to touch type? Our 12-week course is designed specifically for DofE students. As an Approved Activity Provider with the DofE, the course can be completed anytime and anywhere. Please message me to find out more.

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Type IT!  Easter Typing Quiz
Type IT! Easter Typing Quiz

With the Easter holiday approaching, here is a typing quiz for children (and their parents!) How many can you get right? Why not try our typing challenge and see how fast you can type? Can you find and type these words on the keyboard? Easter egg Bunny Spring Daffodil...

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