News & Blog
Diary of an invigilator, GCSE exam learnings and tips
Exam prep, GCSE examinations A lovely 7.50 am start today on day one and my first task was to take out the triplicate copies of the room plan and put them in various locations to prepare students for where they needed to sit. The outdoor display case is particularly...
Touch Typing Summer Holiday Courses
Really looking forward to running our live online touch typing courses this Summer. ⭐ 1 Week Intensive Touch Typing Courses in July and August ⭐️ For children aged 9+. £225.00. ➡️ Type faster!➡️ Learn how to type without looking➡️ Type using all of the fingers➡️ Type...
Helping Your Child – How Much Is Too Much?
Making mistakes is part of learning How many times have you wanted to step in and help your child when you see them struggling with a task? How hard it is to watch their first awkward attempts at a skill that comes easily from our experience. I’ll never forget when I...
Typing Workstation Checklist
It’s Monday morning and as we are all back sitting at our desks, it’s worth taking a moment to check that you are set up correctly. Here is our little checklist when the children come in for their typing lessons each week: Desk is in line with belly button. Arms are...
Mental health and exams
SATS, assessments, GCSE's and A levels, school life seems to be all about tests. My boys seem to be constantly having assessments since starting secondary school and I have just been emailed a large revision list for them both. So how can they cope with the stress...
Typing for dyslexia
If you are a dyslexic adult, it's never too late to learn how to touch type. So thrilled for this gentleman who admittedly didn't find it easy to begin with. But oh my - he was not going to give up! He persevered and practiced every day. He can now use his touch...
Would you like your child to have better keyboarding skills?
Are they using two fingers? Is their typing painfully slow? 10 week Remote Touch Typing Course For Kids Our 10 week remote touch typing course is the perfect way to learn this incredible life skill. They have the choice of self learning weekly lessons with step by...
Touch Typing and Exams
I felt SO proud yesterday. 😊 A past student asked for an assessment as he is keen to come back for a refresher typing course. It was 4 years ago that I last saw him when he was only 8 years old. Touch typing and dyslexia and dyspraxia His dyspraxia and dyslexia was...
Touch Typing Fun
At our Harrow Centre, the children are enjoying their morning cuddles with our new mood star cushion. It’s a great way to talk about how their week has been and help them feel better about themselves. They company also sell a mini set of mood stars. Perfect for...
Tips to Improve Handwriting
For children, neat, legible, cursive handwriting can be tough. Writing involves a good grip, coordination and writing for long periods can be extremely tiring, especially in an exam situation. If your child has educational needs then spelling, grammatical issues,...