12 days until Christmas, prepare to touch type tips
12 days until Christmas, prepare to touch type tips

What should you be thinking about before you learn to touch-type? 1. Take stock of where you are and what your typing speed is. You can do this by taking our typing challenge. Feel free to try and compete against your friends and family! Typing Test Competition - How...

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Can our tutors touch type?
Can our tutors touch type?

Our tutor Dhruv holds the Type IT! Record! Of course they can! Some learnt to touch type decades ago when they were at school or college and others have learnt more recently. In fact, many of my tutors are ex-students of mine. As they have been through the Type IT!...

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An Amazing Result!
An Amazing Result!

A lovely start to my weekend! Itโ€™s been a long journey for this student who finished the course today. Now he can use his laptop confidently in school to help him with all his written subjects. He completed the course typing with an accuracy of 96% accuracy and 24...

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Book Now for 1 week intensive course
Book Now for 1 week intensive course

Wendy Petersen, Course Director, Type IT! My name is Wendy, and I am the Owner and Founder of Type IT! For the last 10 years I have been teaching children how to touch type which means I help them type automatically without ever looking at their fingers! It means they...

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Top 10 Benefits of Touch Typing
Top 10 Benefits of Touch Typing

Top 10 Benefits of Touch Typing Speed - being able to touch type is so useful as work can be completed more quickly without having to hunt and peck for the keys. An early start in touch typing can really help to get through work more quickly. Accuracy - learning to...

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Helping children who NEED to learn touch typing
Helping children who NEED to learn touch typing

We make it our mission to help children who NEED to learn touch typing. Itโ€™s not just a want or desire for them - itโ€™s a necessity. This student attended one of our one week intensive courses and then carried on learning with our support for a further 6 weeks. She is...

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