Type in comfort – Here are our Type IT! Hayfever tips

Type in comfort – Here are our Type IT! Hay fever tips

We always like our students to type in comfort.  Hay fever is something which affects a lot of us and there is nothing worse than sitting in a classroom or in front of a computer at work, with itchy eyes, a tickly throat and that urrg feeling.  So how can we make things better?

Know when you are more likely to get hay fever.

Grass pollen is the most common allergen (May to July) but we can also be allergic to tree pollen (February to June) and weeds (June to September).

When are pollen levels the highest?

Pollen levels tend to be highest first thing in the morning and at the end of the day.    It is better to go outside in the middle of the day (if you have the choice!).

Pollen counts will also be worse in warm, dry weather, especially if it’s windy.    Avoid going outside or doing heavy exercise if possible on those days.

How can I relieve my hay fever symptoms if I have to go outside?

  1. Keep an eye on the pollen forecast and stay indoors if possible on bad days.   Counts should be better on cool, wet days.
  2. When you get home on a high pollen day, shower and wash your hair and change your clothes.   If your child is really allergic, then wash your hair and change your clothes too as they might be picking it up from you.
  3. Dry washing indoors on high pollen count days.
  4. Use an allergy barrier underneath your nose to trap allergens.    Vaseline is cheap, can be used from birth and can be effective.  With Vaseline, you can put a little underneath your eyes too.
  5. Keep the windows shut during the day in the house and car, especially your bedroom.   This is particularly important during the early morning and from 5-7pm.
  6. Consider getting an air purifier to trap pollen.
  7. PARENT TIP – Wear sunglasses (wraparound are great for kids!) and a wide brimmed hat.
  8. Soothe eyes by gently wiping with cotton wool, soaked with water.
  9. Pollen counts are lower at the beach so think about those day trips.
  10. A spoonful of local honey a day has been suggested as helpful for hay fever.  You may be able to buy this from local greengrocers or farm shops.
  11. If you are really struggling, ask your pharmacist or GP.  Antihistamines can really help but seek advice first.  In extreme cases, you might need to be referred to a paediatrician or eye doctor.   My sons were both referred to the local eye hospital for advice for very itchy red eyes when they were younger.   The eye drops and antihistamines provided really helped.

Do you have any useful hay fever tips that work for you?   Do share them.

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