The Gift Of Touch Typing


Some children really don’t want to learn the skill and who can blame them? Just another ‘thing’ to have to do. But for some children, it’s an essential skill and I am fortunate to work with many parents who understand the importance of it.

I’m thrilled that one of my students has finished the course today. It’s true to say he was often resistant to learn, but we always managed to keep things lighthearted with lots of laughs and chats about this and that!

It’s taken my student a year to learn which isn’t unusual for some children with complex needs. But what I’m most impressed by is his Mum. Even though at times, her son wanted to stop, she kept him going, because she knew how important it was for him to learn. She has truly given him a gift.

So he finishes today with an accuracy of 98% and 32 words per minute and this is only just the beginning. I’m super happy for both of them. 😀

Let's Get Touch Typing!

Your Type IT! Tutor is waiting for you! Let us help you get started!